The Forest Garden Project

Poet’s Acre is home to a growing ecosystem of regionally adapted plants, and is a haven for wildlife and threatened species of all kinds.

We are excited to grow and experiment with as many plant varieties as possible, blending traditional and contemporary, permaculture and agro-forestry methods.

At Poet’s Acre we place soil health at the heart of the project. We work with the land to support a host of animals and organisms -including ourselves - to thrive in complex relationships.

Willow bed

The Poet’s Acre Plant Nursery supplies plants for the East Anglia region and beyond. Through the nursery’s work we hope to encourage the spread of permaculture principles and healthy thriving ecosystems.

Building a stock of regionally adapted plants will support local resilience and long-term stability, to meet the challenges of a changing climate.

Through this process Poets’s Acre can become a place to secure species for future generations, in the transition from industrial agriculture to a more natural and regenerative relationship with the land.


Tim has been working closely with the land here for twenty years, starting as soon as he arrived from London with a roof rack full of trees grown in pots on his East London rooftop.

These were planted at the top of the field, where now there is a young woodland aptly named Landrover wood. Black Walnut, Wild Cherry, Italian Alder and Apple pippins with delicious potentially new varieties of apples!

His interest and experience grew over the years as he experimented to see what the land could grow, weaving a patchwork of edible, medicinal and useful plants in amongst the wild natives, timber and coppice trees.




Poet’s Acre belongs to a wider global community of individuals and organisations, with overlapping visions.

We freely share our knowledge and experience through trial and error and real life experiments. We are always interested to hear what you have discovered and imagined too.

If you are involved in research or academia and are looking for a place for fieldwork or experimentation please contact us.