What is
Bocking 14 Comfrey?

Bocking 14 is a robust, non-invasive variety of comfrey ideal for all gardeners. It serves as a powerful natural fertilizer, mulch, and compost activator, rich in nutrients like potassium, nitrogen, and calcium.

When used in organic growing methods, Bocking 14 enhances soil health, promoting vigorous plant growth and yielding more nutritious vegetables and plants. Healthy soil, nurtured through organic practices, fosters a thriving ecosystem, reduces the need for chemical inputs, and supports sustainable gardening, ensuring vibrant, resilient crops.

Choose Bocking 14 comfrey to strengthen your garden’s foundation and maximize its productivity naturally.

  • Bocking 14 comfrey was developed in the 1950s by horticulturist Lawrence D. Hills in Bocking, England. A hybrid of Russian and wild comfrey, it was specifically bred for its superior qualities in organic gardening.

    Unlike ordinary comfrey, Bocking 14 is sterile, preventing it from self-seeding and spreading invasively. It offers higher yields of biomass, richer nutrient content, and faster regrowth, making it ideal for compost, mulching, and liquid fertilizers. Additionally, its deep roots access minerals from the subsoil, enhancing its benefits over common comfrey varieties for sustainable and effective gardening.

  • Bocking 14 comfrey thrives in full sun to partial shade and prefers well-drained, fertile soil, though it can tolerate a range of soil types. It grows rapidly, reaching up to 3 feet (90 cm) tall and wide.

    For optimal growth, space plants 50 to 75cm apart to allow room for their extensive root system.

    We recommend you set aside an area of garden as a permanent comfrey patch, with 4 comfrey plants per square metre.

  • Propagation is best done through root cuttings or crown cuttings, as Bocking 14 is sterile and does not set seed.

    Plant root and crown cuttings 2 inches (50cm) deep ideally from autumn through to early spring, although it will grow successfully at any time during the growing season .

    Once established, comfrey is a low-maintenance plant, tolerating drought and providing masses of valuable organic material for the garden.

  • Bocking 14 comfrey is a versatile, nutrient-rich plant with many gardening uses. Its leaves can be used as a potent mulch, breaking down quickly to enrich the soil with potassium, nitrogen, and calcium.

    It also accelerates compost decomposition when added as a green component.

    Comfrey’s deep roots pull minerals from the subsoil, making it ideal for creating "comfrey tea", a liquid fertiliser which can be applied as a soil amendment to boost plant growth.

    Additionally, its fast regrowth ensures a continuous supply of organic matter cropping several times in a growing season, supporting healthy, productive, and sustainable gardens.

  • Traditionally, Bocking 14 comfrey has been valued for its medicinal properties, particularly for healing fractures, wounds, bruises, and joint issues.

    Its roots and leaves contain allantoin, a compound known to promote cell regeneration and tissue repair.

    Historically, comfrey poultices and salves were used to reduce inflammation, soothe skin irritations, and support the healing of broken bones, earning it the nickname "knitbone."

    While it has been used externally for centuries, internal use of comfrey is no longer recommended due to the presence of pyrrolizidine alkaloids, which can be toxic to the liver in large amounts.green component.

  • Bocking 14 comfrey provides significant wildlife benefits. Its abundant purple-blue flowers are rich in nectar, attracting pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and other beneficial insects throughout the growing season. The plant’s dense foliage also offers shelter for small animals and insects, enhancing garden biodiversity.

    Additionally, as a deep-rooted perennial, it contributes to soil health, by nourishing and encouraging soil organisms which indirectly supports a thriving ecosystem.

    Since it doesn’t spread invasively, Bocking 14 is a controlled, eco-friendly plant that enriches habitats without overtaking native species.

Bocking 14 Comfrey
Crown Cuttings 300g


Bocking 14 Comfrey
Root Cuttings 100g


Bocking 14 Comfrey
Root Cuttings 250g


Bocking 14 Comfrey
Root Cuttings 500g
